Showing posts with label slavery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label slavery. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Sneaking Away from Pride

"Let's sneak away for some quick fun", my love and husband Tomais suggested with a lot of innuendo in his velvety voice, just as Kahvy was starting the Zeus Club party at Second Pride yesterday.
Well, of course I said yes.

Turns out he wasn't thinking of some hanky panky, but only wanted to use me as free labor on his new riverboat from Bandit. (As if he needs a-n-o-t-h-e-r boat! His Inventory is already full of them.)

So as soon as I got on the boat, the love of my life slips me a HUD and tells me to use it. As soon as I activate the HUD, I am whisked down into the boiler room and forced to stoke the fires and shovel coal.

When I ask why I am doing this, and not him, he tells me in an affronted tone of voice, that he already has "...his hands full steering the boat, navigating, checking for cargo and loading it. If there is no one shoveling coal and stoking the fires the boat will stop", so that is what I have to do...

Furthermore, he then invites JJ and Wayne to join us on the riverboat, and the two get to lounge about on the boat, while I keep working my ass of with my sweat running down my brows, my belly, my back and my ass-crack.

When I ask why they don't get to join the fun in the boiler room, I am informed in a haughty voice that they are family and friends and "We cannot abuse them by putting them to work!" The other two giggle about that and go on to try out all the non-work related poses on the riverboat.

Well, I learned my lesson and it will take more than a voice full of innuendo and promises to make me leave Pride for the rest of the week.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Hypothetical Questions

Today I received two wonderful and extremely kind offline messages from a surprising source, a man I have never spoken to and who doesn't know me. I saw him at a party recently but did not speak to him at that time, although I may have planned to do so in the future.... who knows.

I was happy for the kind messages, but they made me think and now I would like to ask you the following hypothetical questions.

First a bit of background. Let's say that you have a stepson. Let's also say you have been in his life since before he was a year old and long after his father passed away. Let's further say that you still socialize with him after he has grown up and that you trust him and confide in him. Let's - for arguments sake - say that your stepson is terribly charming, handsome and usually shows signs of real brain activity that could be interpreted as intelligence. Let's then say that you invited him to accompany you to a party. Let's go on to say that at the party you saw a really beautiful and sexy avatar and you told him about your interest.

  1. What would you say about a stepson, to whom you have confided, who then goes and tells the o-n-l-y person he shouldn't say anything to?
  2. What would you do if your stepson who has betrayed your possible interest to someone who is n-o-t supposed to be informed about this by anyone other than yourself?
  3. What words would you use to chastise your stepson?
  4. How would you punish your stepson for his actions?
  5. Where would you buy your instruments of punishment in SecondLife?
  6. After punishing the stepson would you consider selling him off to slavery for a period of no less than ten (10) years too drastic or not drastic enough?
Thank you in advance for all your suggestions!

P.S. Ohhh, I should perhaps tell you that I still love him but something really has to be done!